Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day

Two steps forward, one step back. That's my life. I was doing so well but today I was back at square one, feeling quite tired. I had to go to the store and lay in supplies and supplements for the week and it seemed insurmountable. I finally drove there, and I hate to drive when a bicycle will do. However, I'm trying to treat myself gently and not overdo when my energy is low. I had a sore throat as well. This may just mean I'm battling a cold virus or something.

Today was mother's day and David made me scrambled eggs with smoked salmon. I cooked up a large dinner and we had ten of us at table tonight. Gavi's band mate Ben moved in yesterday. He's lived here before and he fits in well in our household. He seems to appreciate our offbeat lifestyle.

Yesterday we had a potluck and voting party. We invited a few people over to discuss the issues for a local election happening here in Portland. It's such a great way to vote. The food was fabulous and the conversation was great. We got through the ballot in less than an hour and felt pretty well informed by the end of it.

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