Tuesday, March 20, 2007

A Disappointing Day

I got the news that I didn’t get the job I went for last week. I was both disappointed and relieved. I was disappointed because it would have been an interesting job with good pay. I was relieved because it would have been stressful at a time when I need to learn how to take care of myself. I really need to work less than 40 hours per week. Finding a job that has benefits and is less than full time is a challenge, however. I did some online job hunting and the results were very discouraging. There’s really not very much out there right now. I keep telling myself it’s not out there right now because I couldn’t take it right now if it were. I’m still convalescing.

My surgical wound hurt last night and kept me awake. I iced it on and off. I was still achy today and I didn’t feel like walking or exercising. I went to get my eyes examined and order a pair of glasses. The doctor put drops in my eyes and then I couldn’t see very well and made me feel slightly queasy, which compounded my malaise.

I’m hoping that this thing will heal soon so that I can get back on my bicycle again. And it’s time to plan my trip to San Francisco. It sound unbelievably complicated right now. I suppose I need to get better before it seems less complicated.

1 comment:

Marie said...

Hi, Regarding working less and trying to get benefits, I have some great information on my blog, http://www.shorterworkweek.blogspot.com. Check it out! Jean