Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I took off my wig because it gets tiresome after a while. I have a bit of fuzz now, but it’s not even at the convict haircut stage. Linda Grace, taking note of my baldness, dipped into a large jar of peculiar knitted hats that she had made and bade me chose one. I found that the most peculiar of the lot suited me to a tee (go figure). It was lavender with a long fuzzy beige platypus tail. Despite being made out of a fine, light weight yarn, it’s warm and friendly to a lightly fuzzed pate and it has become a good companion.

The darkness fell and it was time to pile into the truck again. Linda drove me back to the Haight and she went to see a friend play a jazz recital on Polk Street. I fell into bed happy and satisfied. It is so good to catch up with old friends.

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